The Carmelite order operates on a triennial time table. What this means is that every three years, we gather at a Provincial Chapter to elect our new superiors and assign our personnel. Last month we held our chapter in San Antonio and made personnel changes at Marylake. The new superior will be Fr. Sam Anthony Morello. Fr. John Magdalene will be his right hand man. Fr. Raphael, due to his age, is allowed to stay. Once you turn 70 you have the privilege of letting the new superiors know at what house in our province you’d like to be stationed. The superiors don’t have to give you that, but you can ask, they will listen, and in Raphael’s case, they granted his wish. Fr. John Michael will be going to Santa Maria parish in Dallas TX, Fr. Marion will be going to our basilica in San Antonio, and the two novices who will make their vows on July 16 will be entering our house of studies in San Antonio. Before leaving for the “four corners of the world” I gathered our “ideal community” together for a photo. This is the “old” community: Fr. Marion, Br. Jorge, Fr. John Magdalene, John Michael, Fr. Raphael and Br. Bradley (the novice Alberto).
Father Anthony, after years as a Muslim, your very old friend Mickey Grant, the wrestling guy, want to rejoin Christianity and enter into the monastery life. You, hopefully remember me. After being a Muslim for several years and working in wars across Muslim countries, I reverted to Islam. I'm ready to "revert" fully back to Christ, if he'll take me back. I now have a long story of being in many wars, wounded, mentally and phyically, years of work as a CIA contractor. Farther Antony, my dear friend of many years and the study of St. Theresa of Avila, I'd like to spend my last days as a Catholic convert so I can get the much needed cummuniou, I just want to pray the rest of my life and cut myself off society, including my socalled fame in filmmaking. you know me, and I hope you'll consider me as a novice monk. I'll really work hard, really hard. cleaning, cooking, everything. I'll work hard. Your friend, Mickey Grant
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